Captain's Log. Stardate: Waaaaauuuugh!
A hard drive has rendered data inaccessible and posting unlikely for the next week or two. the crew has rallied and jury-rigged life (and career) support systems are in place. No fatalities and no deadlines missed thus far.
Air.. running low. Blogging chances are about to, gasp, black out. Recommend citations for all bridge... club, I mean, crew.
New computer on horizon. But will it arrive in time?
Gasp! Gurk!
Thanks for your patience.
Live the adventure.
HBO Documentary Films And Sandbox Films Start Production On Flaco The NYC
Owl Doc, Directed By Penny Lane
HBO Documentary Films is currently in production with Sandbox Films and
Spinning Nancy on a documentary about Flaco, a male Eurasian eagle-owl who
gained w...
1 hour ago